Hello guys! Today we interviewed our geography teacher Jorge Franco. We've chosen him because he is our favorite teacher.
Well, Jorge is 29 years old, has two brothers and he also has a girlfriend named Rafaela. They are on a relationship since 2005 and he thinks its time to get married.
His favorite color is blue, he loves typical Minas food and he doesn't have any pets, but he would like to get a dog. He likes to read, play his guitar and he loves to run...
If Jorge wasn't a geography teacher he would like to be a doctor because he loves to help people. He also said he could have chosen another job related to geography but he didn't about getting rich and he only wanted to make a difference.
His favorite writers are Guimaraes Rosa and Carlos Drummond. His biggest adventure was when he was young and he liked to travel without money. He is afraid of nothing and his biggest dream is to visit French Poland...